First there were the radishes. They seem like a distant memory to me now. They grew, we ate, we conquered. And for the first time, I decided to grow some peas– sugar snap peas to be exact. If the the radishes were gratifying, these peas are, well… joyous. Joyous? Yes, joyous! The fence that Brian […]
Filed under: Vegetables | Comments (2) Article tags: garden, peas, sugar snap peas, summer
Innards. It’s what’s for dinnards. Awhile back, when finally coming clean to you all about my, well…diversity of eating habits, I mentioned that offal, delicious though it may be, “doesn’t photograph too well.” I stand corrected. Though it may not be the beautiful girl, with a sparkling smile, and hair so buttery blond she is […]
Filed under: Meat/Fish, Pasta | Comment (0) Article tags: linguine, liver, peas, tomato sauce
My sister-in-law doesn’t like rice. What? You may be asking yourself, how can a person dislike something so innocuous. That’s almost like saying you don’t like water– which come to think of it, my sister isn’t all too crazy about. I guess you could say that I come from a family of awkward eaters. But […]
Filed under: Meat/Fish, Vegetables | Comment (0) Article tags: pancetta, peas, rice, soup