Posts tagged ‘popcorn’
October 28th, 2011

Stuck On You

Do you know that song by Lionel Richie? “Stuck on you, got a feeling down deep in my soul…dah, dah, dah, Yes, I’m on my way–” (Hum the rest, because if you’re anything like me, you NEVER know the correct words to ANY songs.) Well, that song kept playing over and over in my head […]

December 23rd, 2008

One Last Thing

Now I know that you all are getting ready for your festivities this Christmas, and I, as a lapsed Jew, am getting ready for my festivities– gathering with my people at the movie theater (any suggestions?) followed by some Chinese food. But I have to leave you with just one more recipe before the year […]

February 27th, 2007

Snacking Thy Name is Decadence

Admit it. As good as you might try to be, eating three square meals a day, there are times, usually around four o’clock on a lazy weekend afternoon, when your stomach starts a-churning. (At least if you’re anything like me it does.) You get that hollow, hungry feeling, and you know that a bag of […]

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