Maybe you have seen them sitting in the glass case at a Mexican Panaderia, a sweet roll, with a sugar crust, that is often brightly colored. If you’re anything like me, you may have been turned off by the neon hues, and ordered something else. Well, I didn’t know what I was missing. I should […]
Filed under: Breads, Breakfast, Sweets | Comments (10) Article tags: mexican food, rolls, sweet rolls
Well, autumn is definitely arriving. I can almost see the pots percolating on the stove, and smell the braising meats in the oven. Yes, I can tolerate having the oven on for more than a few moments, and to me this means the baking of bread will resume. In order to christen the process, I […]
Filed under: Breads | Comments (10) Article tags: batter rolls, parker house rolls, rolls
It all started with this bread. I know, I know, could I be any later to the game? I read about it, heard about, saw it posted on YouTube, but I had never made it. It almost seemed too de riguer; I can be funny that way. But late this past summer, nearly two years […]
Filed under: Breads | Comment (0) Article tags: James Beard, rolls