Farewell dear, sweet corn. Goodbye bright melon salads, see you next year. And don’t think I have forgotten about you smooth, seedy summer squash. I’ll pick you all up next June, when the weather’s warm, and tank tops beckon my shoulders out into the sunshine. For now, there are new foods churning their way into […]
Filed under: Vegetables | Comment (0) Article tags: beets, kohlrabi, salad
Sometimes you just make those salads that sound so good. With summery ingredients like juicy tomatoes and crisp cucumbers, bits of torn, aromatic basil, and my favorite, slithery, salty anchovies, it should be great. You follow the recipe almost to the T, and you know what? It just falls flat– not on its face but […]
Filed under: Vegetables | Comment (0) Article tags: cucumber, farro, salad, tomato, Zuni Cafe
My stay back in California was filled with good friends, family suppers, and delicious food. It was lovely to be back as a guest in the place that I called home for so many years; sort of like being a tourist without any of the annoying guidebooks, iffy meals at unknown places, and the pressure […]
Filed under: Fruits | Comment (0) Article tags: fried, Meyer lemons, salad
Happy New Year! I must say that come January 2, gifts passed around, ornaments strewn about, and merry friends seen, I am happy to get back to the real world…at least for awhile. My New Year’s Eve was a quiet one, dinner with good friends, a little sake and some good conversation. But come New […]
Filed under: Vegetables | Comment (0) Article tags: buckwheat greens, cipollini onion, daikon, salad
I remember my grandma’s waldorf salad– an interesting mix of both fruit and vegetables, all mixed up with a paste-like dressing. I have never been a huge mayonnaise fan, but yet I was enthralled with the waldorf dressing. A little mayonnaise, a touch of whipped cream, could it be? Sweet yet tangy, light and lustrous, […]
Filed under: Fruits, Vegetables | Comment (0) Article tags: apple, blue cheese, celery, chicken, salad, waldorf
What do you do when all of sudden it’s September, and you just feel fall coming? It’s dark now by 7:30, there are no more cherries in the market, nor apricots, and there is actually a chill in the air when the sun goes down. Yes, fall is a-comin’. And I think I am ready […]
Filed under: Vegetables | Comment (0) Article tags: cucumber, lentil, radish, salad
Maybe it is just certain octogenarians I have run into, but most of them do two things: talk about their health, and talk about the weather. And now that I have moved to New York, a place that actually has weather and seasons, I find myself doing the same thing (at least the weather part). […]
Filed under: Fruits | Comment (0) Article tags: balsamic reduction, basil, salad, watermelon
I have a secret to tell. I’ve been in a bit of a food rut. Each week I go to the market, wondering if they will still be there, like jewels of crisp vegetal goodness. And I can let out a sigh of relief when I see them stacked helter-skelter, waiting to be brought home. […]
Filed under: Vegetables | Comment (0) Article tags: green cauliflower, orange cauliflower, salad