My step grandmother always called them tor-till-a chips, with the second syllable rhyming with hill. She lived in Missouri, but was born, and lived for the first half of her life in Germany. She was rather persnickety, and very set in her ways. When I was a child, my mother and I flew out to […]
Filed under: Misc. | Comments (7) Article tags: chips, salsa, tortilla
And I don’t mean eat lots of dark and leafy greens, although they can be delicious, and hearty. I mean, why don’t you make a bit of tomatillo salsa to have in the fridge? My condiment of choice this week has been this salsa, to have on top of just about anything. Sure, we all […]
Filed under: Uncategorized, Vegetables | Comment (0) Article tags: Mesa Mexicana, salsa, tomatillo