Last Saturday, a dear friend dropped by unexpectedly and delivered a fabulous, edible present that was local– very local. It wasn’t honey, or fish caught in the Sound, it wasn’t even a vegetable that he had cared for and grown on his patio. It was something that he had foraged. I’m not even sure why, […]
Filed under: Misc., Vegetables | Comments (8) Article tags: gratin, ramps, spring
I have officially packed my winter clothes away. Brian and I had a bread salad with dinner on Sunday night. I am nursing blisters on my feet from wearing shoes without socks for the first time in months. Spring is in the air– and that means rhubarb! I picked up my first few stalks of […]
Filed under: Breakfast, Fruits, Misc. | Comments (16) Article tags: compote, rhubarb, spring
I think that rhubarb is really one of those vegetables that is best served as a fruit– like a tomato in reverse. That is not to say that I have never been swayed to try out rhubarb as a savory component to my meals. If I remember correctly, several years ago, I tried out a […]
Filed under: Fruits, Sweets, Vegetables | Comments (2) Article tags: rhubarb, spring