Remember the pathetic growing season I had last year? When I couldn’t get my tomato plants into the ground and had to “grow” them in pots? Then it rained practically all June long, leaving me with a few measly, watery tomatoes. This, my friends, is what I call a serious dearth. Well, this year we […]
Filed under: Pasta, Vegetables | Comments (3) Article tags: confit, garden, olive oil, summer, tomatoes
First there were the radishes. They seem like a distant memory to me now. They grew, we ate, we conquered. And for the first time, I decided to grow some peas– sugar snap peas to be exact. If the the radishes were gratifying, these peas are, well… joyous. Joyous? Yes, joyous! The fence that Brian […]
Filed under: Vegetables | Comments (2) Article tags: garden, peas, sugar snap peas, summer
I love to entertain. The days before I have a dinner party are spent ruminating over what I will serve, deciding what is at the peak of freshness, thumbing through food magazines for inspiration, furiously cleaning the apartment, and oh yes, thinking of how each of my guests will get along with one another. Though […]
Filed under: Meat/Fish | Comments (5) Article tags: fish market, shellfish, summer
Although New York is on the Atlantic coastline, and I lived there for two years, somehow I couldn’t imagine a crustacean cruising around the major metropolis area. So I went two years without eating a lobster roll. And for anyone who grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, like I did, the lobster roll […]
Filed under: Meat/Fish | Comment (0) Article tags: butter, lobster roll, summer