Remember the pathetic growing season I had last year? When I couldn’t get my tomato plants into the ground and had to “grow” them in pots? Then it rained practically all June long, leaving me with a few measly, watery tomatoes. This, my friends, is what I call a serious dearth. Well, this year we […]
Filed under: Pasta, Vegetables | Comments (3) Article tags: confit, garden, olive oil, summer, tomatoes
…For more than a day, maybe that is when my tomatoes will turn from lime green to a sumptuous red. With the new apartment came a little plot of land, not quite a garden, but this is our attempt. Brian and I planted tomatoes, five plants to be exact. They range in variety from Cherokee […]
Filed under: Vegetables | Comments (11) Article tags: tomatoes
Let’s pretend it’s still March shall we, because that is when I prepared this comforting bit of soup. March can be a month of maybes, a time of indecision. Is it spring or is it still winter? The thermometer may reach into the 50′s during the days, beckoning you outdoors, only to fall once again […]
Filed under: Vegetables | Comments (7) Article tags: cream of tomato, tomatoes
Well, I’m back from California. But I suppose that I should have told you that I was going upon leaving. The first of two trips back this summer, aaahh, it is wedding season! Bring on the bouquets; bring on the bridesmaids; and bring on the catered food. Northern California was actually cold when we arrived, […]
Filed under: Breads, Vegetables | Comment (0) Article tags: basil, bruschetta, corn, crostini, tomatoes
Yes, it’s true, as odd as it may seem, up until this year, tomatoes were not a friend of mine. I was very picky with my consumption. Cooked were fine, roasted even better, but sliced and put on a sandwich– never! Wedges in a salad– no way! And a caprese salad– well you can forget […]
Filed under: Pasta | Comment (0) Article tags: pasta pomodoro, spaghetti, tomatoes
Usually I tend to be a rather shy person, quiet until I really get to know a person. But take me to a grocery store, and I get positively verbose. I love to chat with strangers in the check-out line about what they are buying. It is very voyeuristic. For those moments you get a […]
Filed under: Fruits, Vegetables | Comments (6) Article tags: sour, tomatoes, Turkish cuisine, zucchini