As in the soup, because I made my own cream of mushroom– for a very specific purpose. This week I had my first tuna-noodle casserole. I did not grow up with casseroles. My dad never liked a one-pot meal, and my mom didn’t really care, so I had a childhood free of Durkee French Fried […]
Filed under: Meat/Fish, Pasta, Vegetables | Comments (20) Article tags: casserole, noodle, tuna, veloute
When I was young there were two sandwiches which I absolutely could not stand– egg salad and tuna fish. Although their lumpy appearances definitely did not appeal, it was above all their lingering odors that were so detestable to the sensitivity of my young nose. I would head out to the kitchen, teeth brushed, shoelaces […]
Filed under: Breads, Meat/Fish | Comment (0) Article tags: capers, Dijon mustard, egg, tuna