This summer I have had malted milk on the brain! For me, this meant malted milk balls, and malted milk powder, getting swirled together with vanilla ice cream to make a malty and delicious mess. The mess was then made into an ice cream cake. The beauty of this dessert, is you get to sit […]
Filed under: Baking, Sweets | Comment (1) Article tags: 4th of July, cake, ice cream, ice cream cake, malted milk, Whoppers
Something happened to the way that I cook when I moved to the East coast. I waste very little. It’s not that I was a spendthrift before– but I was guilty of throwing away sorry looking-vegetables in the bottom of the crisper, or leftovers that weren’t appealing to me anymore– they just got discarded. I […]
Filed under: Baking, Sweets | Comment (1) Article tags: choclate chunk, cookies, espresso, everything, pretzels, Whoppers